1. Full Name/全名:XIE, Nuo/谢诺
2. Year of Admission/入学年份:2022
3. School/学院:HSS/人文社科学院
4. Major/专业:Translation/翻译
5. College/书院:Diligentia/学勤书院
6. Program Type/项目种类:Summer Program
7. Host University/参与项目所在院校:University of Cambridge, Girton College
8. Program Term/项目时间:2024 Summer
【经验分享】2024年暑期 剑桥大学Girton College暑期项目
2024-09-27 经验分享
Studying is not the only purpose of the Study Abroad Programme. Getting to know different cultures, making new friends, and trying new things are what makes this experience special.
全文请点击2024 Summer-University of Cambridge, Girton College (in English)查看;
更多学长学姐的境外学习故事请点击Students' Sharing of Study Abroad Programs - 所有文档 (cuhk.edu.cn)查看。