Full Name/全名:沈卓华 Zhuohua SHEN
Year of Admission/入学年份:2020
Major/专业:统计科学 Statistical Science
Program Name/项目名称:CUHK Visiting Program (International Asian Studies Programme (IASP))
Program Term/项目学期:2023 Spring Term
【Student Story】The Chinese University of Hong Kong Visiting Program (2023 Spring)
I learned about the opportunity to study abroad through the emails sent by OAL, which provided a list of exchange and visiting programs available to our students. As someone who enjoys traveling and experiencing diverse cultures, I was strongly motivated to study in another university during my four-year undergraduate program. The CUHK IASP program was my top choice for several reasons. Firstly, the syllabi and contents of many courses in CUHK are very similar to those in CUHKSZ, making it easier for me to transfer credits and meet the graduation requirements. Secondly, CUHK is conveniently located in the New Territories and is close to Shenzhen, which makes transportation comfortable and readily available. Lastly, I have a fondness for Hong Kong culture as I was born in Guangdong and spoke Cantonese at home and school. I have a particular interest in Hong Kong pop music and movies, and I am excited to experience them in person.
Please click the link to read the full article: 2023 Spring-CUHK Visiting Program (in Chinese and English).pdf;
To learn about more Study Abroad stories of CUHKSZ students, please click:Students' Sharing of Study Abroad Programs - 所有文档 (cuhk.edu.cn).