Full Name/全名:LIU, Yuanrong /刘圆融
Year of Admission/入学年份:2020
School/学院:School of Data Science/数据科学学院
Major/专业:Data Science and Big Data Technology/数据科学和大数据技术
Program Name/项目名称:McMaster University Visiting Program
Program Term/项目学期: 2023 Winter Term (Spring Term)
【Student Story】McMaster University Visiting Program (2023 Spring)
I learned about the opportunity to Study Abroad through an email sent by OAL (Office of Academic Links) in August 2022. At that time, I had been eagerly waiting for an opportunity to study abroad after the universities reopened following the outbreak of COVID-19.
Initially, my plan was to study in a Canadian university. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, I had to adapt my plan and explore other options. It was during this search that I decided to come to CUHKSZ and was still waiting for the Study Abroad Program, which seemed like the perfect opportunity to gain a global perspective and experience a new culture.
What led me to choose McMaster University was its reputation and academic excellence, which offered courses and resources aligning with my academic and personal interests. Additionally, I have several friends in Canada, who would make me feel at home. Furthermore, I was intrigued by the open and inclusive Canadian culture, which creates a healthy and friendly environment for me to live and study in.
Please click the link to read the full article: 23 Spring-McMaster University Visiting Program (in English).pdf (cuhk.edu.cn);
To learn about more Study Abroad stories of CUHKSZ students, please click:Students' Sharing of Study Abroad Programs - 所有文档 (cuhk.edu.cn).