Full Name/全名:康桐嘉 Tongjia Kang
Year of Admission/入学年份:2020
Program Type/项目种类:Visiting Program
Host University/参与项目所在院校:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program Term/项目时间:2023 Fall
【Student Story】University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2023 Fall)
January 10, 2024 Stories
The year I spent on exchange at UNC Chapel Hill was one of the least regrettable, most exciting, and most rewarding years of my life. I reached my goals academically and gained a clearer perspective on my future research. UNC is a very inclusive school with many opportunities. I hope that you can have an open mind when you are on an exchange and believe that everything works out for the best.
Please click the link to read the full article: 2023 Fall-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Visiting Program (in Chinese and English);
To learn about more Study Abroad stories of CUHKSZ students, please click: Students' Sharing of Study Abroad Programs - 所有文档 (cuhk.edu.cn).